Community Bond Meeting - August 23 @ 6pm

8/23/2023 9:25 am

TONIGHT! 6PM IN THE AUDITORIUM! Join us for an important community meeting about planned bond renovations to our campus. 

Our community needs to show up so that everyone knows how important a refreshed, renovated school is to us! 6pm tonight in the Lipscomb Auditorium.
Babysitter and pizza for the kids in the playground!
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2023-24 Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

8/13/2023 2:46 pm

Arrival Procedures


Students will enter the building on Junius Street, at the back side of campus. **Like all of the
roads around Lipscomb, this is a one-way street!

Please, do not ever park on Junius Street to drop off your child. Doing so only slows down
the drop off process and is very dangerous for everyone!

7:40 Doors officially open to students.
PK3, PK4, Kindergarten, and 1st grade students will enter the cafeteria through Door 7. 2nd, 3rd,
4th, and 5th grade students will enter the auditorium through Door 14.
School staff will escort students to seats assigned for their class. Students wait quietly for
teachers to arrive.

7:50 Teachers arrive to pick up students and return to the classroom for breakfast.
Students arriving between 7:50-8:00 will be escorted to classrooms by other school staff.
Students arriving after 8:00 are considered tardy. We will not be counting tardies the first

Breakfast will be provided for students between 8:00-8:15. 

8:10 Campus announcements 

8:15 Instruction begins 

We are excited to announce that parents will be able to walk their child to the classroom door on
Monday, Aug. 14! Please do not enter the classroom. We recommend a quick hug & kiss then
allow the child to enter the classroom. Once dropping the child off, please exit the building so the
school day can begin.

*****Another reminder that all roads around the school are one way during drop off and pick
up, and that drivers will need to observe and follow posted signage. *****

Dismissal Procedures

We are returning to our pre-COVID dismissal process! This system allows a personal contact with your child’s teacher, the ability to get to know other Lipscomb parents, and most importantly, keeps our kids safe.

At Meet the Teacher Night, you should have received a Temporary Student ID card for your child. If you do not have one, please come to the office before dismissal to get one.

For those who were not at Lipscomb before COVID, here’s how dismissal goes: 

Parents will park their vehicles and make their way to either the cafeteria or the gym. 

3:05, the gates will be unlocked and parents can begin lining up on the sidewalk on the garden side of the building. 

3:15 Door 6 (cafeteria) will be open for PK3, PK4, Kinder, and 1st grade parents. Parents must show the staff greeter their child’s temporary ID Card. Parents then walk to their child’s teacher. Teachers will verify the Student ID card and release the student. Parents walk through the cafeteria and exit Door 7. 

In order to keep the flow of parents moving, please refrain from having a conference with the teacher. If you need to speak to them, please wait until after dismissal. Teachers must actively monitor students and their behavior.

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Meet The Teacher

8/5/2023 2:09 pm

Meet the Teacher Night will be held on Thursday, August 10th. The Cafeteria will be open starting at 5pm - you can purchase new Spirit Wear, join the PTA, eat hot dogs, and reconnect with friends.

At 5:30pm, the main building will open and families can meet their student's teacher/s. School supplies may be dropped off but please do not bring any other personal items likes bags or purses.

Can you help at Meet the Teacher Night? We need volunteers to help in the Cafeteria setting up, selling spirit wear, serving food, and helping families. We also need volunteers to help school staff in the main building. You can view times and sign up HERE.

Make sure you've registered with Voly, Dallas ISD's volunteer management system. You have to get cleared each school year. Click HERE to fill out a volunteer application.

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