Join the PTA!
9/9/2021 11:21 am
Dues are only $5 a year, per person! ¡Las cuotas son solo de $ 5 al año!
By joining you help us make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering our families and communities to advocate for all our children.
Al unirse, nos ayuda a hacer realidad el potencial de cada niño al involucrar y empoderar a nuestras familias y comunidades para abogar por todos nuestros niños.
Before you join the PTA, you will be prompted to register for our website, which consists of creating a username and password. This will let you access all areas of our website and make it easier for you to join the PTA and keep up with all our events and news.
Antes de unirse a la PTA, se le pedirá que se registre en nuestro sitio web, que consiste en crear un nombre de usuario y una contraseña. Esto le permitirá acceder a todas las áreas de nuestro sitio web y le facilitará unirse a la PTA y mantenerse al día con todos nuestros eventos y noticias.
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Sign-up to volunteer with the Peace Pantry!
9/1/2021 11:34 am
This year we are opening up two options for people to volunteer.
1) Packing Lion Packs with the food in the pantry located in the school
2) Building Lion Packs -- signing up to build a week's worth of Lion Packs. This involves creating the menu, shopping for the food, and packing the bags.
You can sign up for either option (or both!)
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Spirit Store online!
9/1/2021 11:16 am
Did you miss out on the beginning of the year Lipscomb Spirit Wear?
It's not too late! Purchase the inventory we have leftover. Show your school pride and wear a spirit shirt!
All items will be delivered to your child's homeroom.
Why join the PTA?
Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!