Help with Morning car line

10/3/2022 10:17 pm

Are you available one morning a week to assist our Lions? We would love to have your help! Four parents are needed each morning to keep the drop off line running safely. Please sign up to help HERE

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Lunch Helpers Needed

10/3/2022 10:01 pm

Lipscomb needs cafeteria helpers! Do you have available time during the week? Help free up our teaching assistants and join our kids for lunch. We have 2 shifts every day:  10-11:30 & 11:30-1.  Sign up HERE
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Peace Pantry Info

8/22/2022 11:02 am

Sign-up here/ Inscribense aqui

Volunteer Sign-ups are also now available.


This year, like last year, we have two options for people to volunteer.


1) Packing Lion Packs with the food in the pantry located in the school


2) Building Lion Packs -- signing up to build a week's worth of Lion Packs. This involves creating the menu, shopping for the food, and packing the bags.


You can sign up for either option (or both!).



#1 Be a Pantry Packer!


#2 Be a Pack Builder!


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Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!


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